torsdag 26. september 2013

Tower Work

My plan was to have the Tower up for sac-cw.
But it is more work than i have time for.
Have put the thrust bearing on the top and have
welded a platform for the rotator.
So hopefully i have it up soon- My Tower is 20 mtr high (66 feet)

søndag 22. september 2013

Sac cw Contest

Ok..... sac cw contest 2013 is history....
This is my contest result. A great weekend with cw. This is the big happening for a
Scandinavien if you like cw and pile-up's. It's pity that we have so low activity from Norway.
We have many hams in Norway,who do cw, but they can only handle cw if they get a good
spot on the dx-cluster.Well they are doing ccw (cluster c w ) ........hi hi...
Hopefully some more will take part next year.  This year i was doing the test with a g5rv and gp for 80 mtr,with 2 elevated radials. 100 watt. 1280 qso's and 20 hours in the chair.
Not bad, thanks for qso's cu next year...

onsdag 18. september 2013

New tower

After 6 years with a g5rv finally somethings happen . New Tower on New qth is coming up.
It's a lot of work about 10m3 with cement mixed. More photos to come.......